juno agenda

Discover our weekly agenda: networking events, well-being workshops, and special member & partner-led experiences.

Networking Lunch & Incapto – “Coffee and entrepreneurship”

Next June 6th, come and meet other entrepreneurial #JunoWomen and enjoy a special menu at our Juno Café. It will end with a unique experience by Incapto: a tasting of specialty coffees. 

We will discover floral and fruity notes, familiar and surprising flavors, in a selection of coffees produced consciously, ecologically and without unnecessary waste. 

A meal to connect, and an after-meal conversation to explore the less obvious side of coffee. 


Menu 25,- € per person

If you have any intolerances, please inform the Juno Café team in advance.


Networking Lunch & Incapto – “Coffee and entrepreneurship”


Next June 6th, come and meet other entrepreneurial #JunoWomen and enjoy a special menu at our Juno Café. It will end with a unique experience by Incapto: a tasting of specialty coffees. 

We will discover floral and fruity notes, familiar and surprising flavors, in a selection of coffees produced consciously, ecologically and without unnecessary waste. 

A meal to connect, and an after-meal conversation to explore the less obvious side of coffee. 


Menu 25,- € per person

If you have any intolerances, please inform the Juno Café team in advance.