

These current Terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) govern the access and use of the Juno House, S.L. (hereafter “JH”) Platform.

The Platform means, together and separately, the internet page of www., the “JH” mobile application, and any other platform through which JH is presented, offered and / or provides services.

Through the Platform services of JH are offered in accordance with regulatory requirements.

General terms and conditions for using the Platform

Any person accessing the Platform agrees to the current Terms. In case the visitor does not agree with the Terms, the latter must discontinue the use of the Platform.

The information on the Platform is not and cannot be perceived and / or interpreted as legal advice or recommendation for a particular deal.

In view of the current legislation and the specific parameters of individual transactions or services, it is possible that a particular transaction or service may differ entirely or under certain conditions from the characteristics and conditions posted on the Platform.

JH tries to keep the information on the Platform up to date, however, JH does not guarantee the correctness and completeness of the information, as well as the real-time access to the information.

JH is not responsible for errors or omissions on the Platform, nor for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use the information contained therein.

All information on the Platform, including, but not limited to, graphics, tabs, buttons, images, designs, texts, and links to other pages, is subject to change without prior notice unless this is contrary to the law, contract or other act issued by or applicable to JH, in which case the procedure described in the relevant document is followed.

JH is obliged to guarantee the integrity of the information containing personal data provided by the visitors to the Platform.

The personal data provided is processed in accordance with the adopted Privacy Policy of the processing company prepared in accordance with the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation, the Spanish Personal Data Protection Act and the implementing legislation.

More information about privacy policies can be found on the Platform under the “Legal” section.

By filling in electronic forms, the visitor grants JH the right to process personal data for the purposes of pre-contractual and contractual relationships, and the visitors explicitly agree to such processing and storage.

For the avoidance of any doubt, JH notifies and visitors agree that any information entered by the visitor on the Platform is recorded and processed regardless of whether the form in which the information is being recorded is complete.

The platform and in particular the Web-based applications use different providers, who can use tracking technology and other small text files, commonly referred to as cookies.

They are recorded on the personal device of the visitors on the Platform. “Cookies” are used for the purpose of personalization of customer experience and choice (for example, language preference) as well as for the purpose of acquiring more information about how Leno’s website is being used and ensuring its safe use.

The type, collection, and use of cookies are performed in accordance with the Cookie Policy.

More information about the Cookie Policy is available on the Platform under the “Legal” section.

The Platform provides general and detailed information on the services offered, contact details and commercial information about JH.

Besides that, via the Platform a request to use a service could be submitted, a remote service could be provided, separate statements for particular services and management of these services could be made.

Any information and functionality are described and structured on the Platform.

JH cautiously warns that by acting in some areas of the Platform, visitors can request services and make statements about services that are subject to certain rights and obligations.

In order to avoid mistakes, visitors are required to familiarize themselves with the details of each function and the binding legal documents before using it.

By using the Platform and specific service, the visitor confirms that he is familiar with the relevant service, the terms, and the binding legal documents.

If the visitor provides information to the Platform, he declares that this information is true and not misleading.

For false or misleading information, the visitor is responsible under the rules of the Penal Code.

The design, structure, and contents of the Platform (including, without limitation, graphics, tabs, buttons, images, photographs, designs, blueprints, texts, names, slogans and any other element created by or under commission of JH) are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced, altered, transmitted or used for any commercial purposes without the prior written permission of JH.

he words “Juno House” and its logo are JH’s trademarks undergoing registration in the European Union.

The visitor may not reproduce, copy or use them without the prior consent of JH.

Nothing in these Terms or Platform should be treated as an allowance to use any of JH’s trademarks or proprietary elements subject to the exclusive intellectual property and use of JH.

A partner or sponsor entity may only be allowed to use said trademarks and elements inasmuch as it is allowed expressly and in writing and in compliance with the legal and contractual applicable procedures.

All the privileges and benefits of using JH’s trademarks and/or intellectual property rights belong exclusively to JH.

Using the Platform for illegal, harmful purposes or in any illegal way through which including but not limited to, hacking or other attacks carried out against the Platform or JH, the normal usage or functioning of the Platform, the security mechanisms of the Platform being violated, the access to unannounced and nonpublic information on the Platform or in any other way the normal functioning of the Platform is being bypassed, distorted or stopped, is forbidden.



JH may periodically change the Terms without previous notice as the amendment enters into force with its publishing.

Visitors are required to periodically check for changes in the rules as they are binding for them.

JH could periodically change the Platform without previous notice as the change enters into force with its announcement, unless the law, an agreement or act, issued by or applicable to the activities of JH, as in such cases the procedure described in the applicable document is followed.

Any announcements, publications, and news are reflected at the relevant places or on the Platform at

In certain cases, JH can restrict or suspend access to the Platform.

In case the visitor has created a profile on the Platform with respect of his access details (user name, password, etc.) he understands and accepts that:

He is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the access details and won’t disclose them to third parties;

All action taken via the client’s profile shall be treated as if performed by the respective visitor as identified in the profile data;

Will immediately notify JH if he identifies loss, theft or disclosure in front of third parties or other unauthorized use of access data.

When the Platform refers to other internet sites or services provided by third parties, the relevant references are made only for information purposes and should not be interpreted as a guarantee or a recommendation for this information or service made by JH.

JH does not have access and cannot control the information or services provided by third parties.

When information or materials provided by users are visualized on the Platform it should be considered that this information or materials are not inspected or approved by JH and do not represent the position of JH.

All outstanding issues not settled in these Terms are subject to the relevant provisions under the Spanish legislation in force.

Any disputes related to these Terms, which the parties have failed to resolve through negotiations and mutual agreement are referred to the competent courts in Barcelona city for their decision, unless a compulsory applicable law the parties cannot voluntarily waive, a later superseding contract applicable preemptively between the parties provides for another method of dispute settlement.

Version 1.0, effective as of 03.11.2021.

Privacy and Data Protection Policy (GDPR)


Juno House, S.L. (hereafter “JH”) respects the privacy of its members and ensures the utmost protection of their personal data.

The current Privacy and Data Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”) has been drafted and is based on the Spanish and European legislation on data protection and enters into force as of 03.11.2021.

The present Privacy Policy regulates the processing of personal data of natural persons who are members or potential members of JH’s Social Club, as well as the users of the Platform in relation to the services offered by JH.

The Platform means, together and separately, the internet page of, the “Juno” mobile application, and any other platform through which JH is presented, offered and / or provides services.

The present Privacy Policy, together with the Cookie Policy set the rules which JH shall comply with when processing the personal data, collected from and/or about you or which you provide.

Please, read this Privacy Policy carefully before using the Platform or providing your Personal data, regardless electronically, through the Web Site or on paper, as the provision of your Personal data shall deem your agreement to its terms.

If you do not wish your personal data to be processed in the way described in the current Privacy Policy, please do not provide them. The provision of your personal data is performed voluntarily and for the use of certain services, i.e. the use of the Platform and/or accessing it, as well as every request submitted through the Platform.

Please keep in mind that JH shall not be able to provide you with the services you have asked for, if you do not provide the necessary information.

Please, also take in mind that in some particular cases your consent for the processing of personal data may not be required, if JH has a different legal basis for processing your personal data, i.e. fulfillment of legal obligations.

Who processes your personal information and who is liable for it

JH means Juno House, S.L., a company incorporated and registered in Spain under Spanish Company ID no. B-0,5416524 with registered offices at Rambla Catalunya 68, 2nd floor, 08007 Barcelona, Spain.

You can contact us at any of the following coordinates:

At the shown above registered offices; e-mail: [email protected] Personal data officer’s coordinates: data[email protected] .

Categories of personal data processed by JH

In the course of providing the requested services, JH may process the publicly available personal data, personal data available to JH in the exercise of its legal rights and obligations and / or personal data provided by you.

The main types of personal data processed JH may process in the course of providing the requested services are:

  • Personal identification information: name, middle and family name, official ID number, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, gender, tax identification number;
  • Contact details, including permanent address, address for correspondence, different from the permanent address, your telephone number or a number of a contact person, email address and others);
  • Data on employment, occupation/position, work experience, education, previous employment, skills, qualifications, and others;
  • Marital status information;
  • Financial information: bank accounts;
  • Data related to health status, allergies and intolerances, and physical condition;
  • Data related to minor descendants or offspring (name, birth date, allergies and intolerances);

The purpose of collecting this information is to identify the prospective member and collect all data necessary for the rendering of all the services that may be included in her prospective membership, if the case may be.

Additional information may be periodically required to help improve the services that JH provides and, on the other, is necessary in order to fulfill the regulatory data maintenance obligations through which JH individualizes the Platform user as its client in an up-to-date type and volume.

In order to ensure a good-quality performance of the services and the obligations arising from the agreements thereof, JH shall be entitled to process any information which publicly available or available in registers accessible to JH.

Sources through which JH collects information:

  • Online membership application form on the Platform; Online opt-in mailing list or news subscription form on the Platform; Online contact form on the Platform form;
  • Documents provided for members’ identification upon membership application;
  • Online form for a job application;
  • Email and chat communication, as well as telephone conversations incoming or outcoming from JH;
  • Visiting the Platform;
  • And all other sources, which help generate the legal minimum of information, which JH is required to collect.

Purposes and legal basis for personal data processing

JH processes personal data for the following purposes:

  1. Processing of personal data that is required for creditworthiness, signing and execution of agreements, or related to preparation of agreements’ documents, or upon job application:
    • Identifying a client upon: signing of a new or an amendment of an existing agreement; detailing of the services provided thereto; execution of an agreement;
    • Preparation of contractual offers, sending pre-contractual information and contract draft;
    • Data received from the client in the course of performing contractual obligations, exercise of rights and assurance of performance of contracts;
    • Up-to-date identification of users of the Platform as clients;
    • Processing job application;
    • Accepting and answering clients’ complaints and/or requests;
    • Debt payments, rescheduling of due amounts; management of receivables collection;
    • Sharing important information regarding changes herein and other relevant information.
  1. For the execution of its legal duties, JH processes your data for the following purposes:
    • Issuing invoices;
    • Providing information to the Commission for Personal Data Protection in relation to the obligations laid down in the regulation for personal data protection – the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 from 27 April 2016, etc.;
    • Obligations provided for in the appliable law in relation to the keeping of proper and lawful accounting;
    • Prevention of fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing.
  1. JH processes personal data obtained with the explicit consent of the client for the following purposes:
    • Direct marketing of products and services.
  1. The processing is required for the purposes of the legitimate interests of JH:
    • For the purpose of ensuring security and protection of JH, of its members and their guests, of its visitors and employees property, interests and safety, JH maintains video surveillance equipment;
    • Assessing the level of clients’ satisfaction, as well as the efficiency of the advertising target;
    • Ensuring the quality of clients’ service (video recording and audio recording).

Categories of third parties that may access and process your personal data

JH does not disclose collected and stored nonpublic information and the client’s personal data before any unrelated third party.

Depending on the product or service, as well as certain restrictions regarding confidential information, personal data of clients and information may be disclosed to:

  1. Insurers with which JH has a contract in its capacity of Insurance Intermediary;
  2. Persons who are assigned by JH to maintain the equipment and software used for the processing of your personal data;
  3. Debt collection services providers, notary public persons, lawyers, bailiffs or any other third party provided that the client has non-performed a contractual obligation;
  4. Banks servicing the payments made by and to you;
  5. Persons to whom JH has provided the execution of part of the activities or obligations associated with a specific service provided to you; as well as personal data processors who, on the basis of a contract with JH, process your personal data on behalf of JH;
  6. Natural persons providing services related to contracts signing: notary public persons; lawyers; proxies;
  7. Natural persons or legal entities providing consultancy services in different areas – lawyers, accountants, marketing agencies, etc.;
  8. Courts and other competent authorities, institutions, and persons to whom JH is obliged to provide personal data under current legislation;
  9. Security companies holding a license to perform private security activities processing the video recordings on the territory of JH offices and / or maintaining other registers in the course of ensuring the access regime in the same sites;
  10. Other third parties which provide services to JH.

How long does JH keep your personal data

The time period for keeping your personal data depends on the processing purposes for which they were collected:

  1. Personal data processed for the purpose of concluding/amending and executing contracts between JH and you or a company represented by you- within the contract period and as of the definitive settlement of all financial relations between the parties.

    JH may keep part of your personal data for a longer period of time until the expiration of the applicable limitation period in order to be protected from any client’s claims regarding performance / termination of contracts as well as in case of a legal disputes that has been already arisen until its final settlement by a court / arbitration adjudication that has entered into force.

  1. Personal data processed for the purpose of issuing accounting / financial documents for the implementation of tax and social security regulations including, but not limited to – invoices, debit notes, credit notes, handover protocols, contracts for provision of service/goods, shall be kept not less than 6 years as from expiry of the limitation period for extinguishment of the respective public claim, unless the applicable law provides for a longer period.
  2. Personal data processed for the purpose of direct marketing – to the explicit withdrawal of the given direct marketing consent or receipt of an objection to the processing of personal data for the purpose of direct marketing.
  3. Video surveillance data from security cameras – up to 200 days as from the recording creation.

    Phone calls shall be kept for up to 5 years from the call.

  1. Personal data processed for the purpose of preventing fraud and money laundering shall be kept for a period of 5 years after the final settlement of all financial relations between the parties under the applicable Spanish law.
  2. Personal data processed for the purpose of analyzing and evaluating job applications shall be kept for a period of 1 year after application or until the consent is explicitly withdrawn by the applicant.

Your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data

  1. General rights

    You have the following rights described below, related to the processing of personal data, which you may exercise at any time while JH keeps or processes your personal data by sending a request to the address of the JH referred to above or electronically by e-mail: [email protected]

    Any client is entitled to access his/her personal data collected by JH upon written request.

    JH shall be obliged to grant access solely to the data concerning the respective client, where personal data of third persons may be disclosed in the course of exercising the rights described above.

    Upon exercising his/her right of access, any JH client shall be entitled at any time to request:

    • confirmation of whether his/her personal data are being processed, information for the purposes of such processing, categories of personal data, and recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data are disclosed;
    • to be notified in writing in a plain form and the notification shall contain his or her personal data that are being processed, as well as any available information about their source;
    • information about the logic of any automated processing of personal data.

Any client shall be entitled, at any time, to request from JH to:

    • erase, rectify or block his/her personal data, the processing of which does not comply with the applicable legislation;
    • notify any third persons to whom personal data have been disclosed of any erasure, rectification or blocking carried out in accordance with the preceding paragraph unless notification is impossible or involves excessive effort.

Any client in relation to his/her personal data, shall be entitled to:

    • object before JH the processing of his or her personal data in the presence of a legal basis for this; where the objection is justified, the personal data of the client concerned can no longer be processed;
    • object the processing of his or her personal data for the purpose of direct marketing;
    • be notified prior to the first disclosure of his or her personal data to third persons or prior to their use for the purpose of direct marketing, as the respective client shall be entitled to object such personal data disclosure or use.
  1. Complaint before a supervisory authority

    You have the right to submit a complaint directly to the supervisory authority, i.e. the Spanish Personal Data Protection Agency at C/ Jorge Juan, 628001-Madrid (;

    In case you have any questions and / or complaints about the processing of your personal data and/or the exercise of the above rights, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (on the contacts detailed above).

  1. Profiling

    Upon assessing the appropriateness of the services provided by JH and the activities carried out, JH does not perform profiling as the processing of your personal data is not automated.

    The preparation of the assessment is strictly individual for each client and is done in accordance with the requirements of the law by certain employees to whom the JH has commissioned this assessment.

  1. Objection against the direct marketing

    You have the right to object to the future processing of your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing and advertising as well as to disclosure to third persons and personal data use on their behalf for the purposes of direct marketing and advertising by withdrawing your consent at any time.

    For this purpose, you can send an electronic message requesting the respective suspension of the use of your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing at: [email protected].

  1. Can you refuse to provide personal data to JH and what are the consequences of it?

    In order to conclude a contract with you and / or to provide you with the requested services in accordance with the respective legal and contractual obligations, JH requires certain data detailed in this Privacy Policy.

    Non-provision of such data may impede the ability to assess the appropriateness and expedience of personal data processing and lead to obstruction for providing you with the type of service you have requested and / or to conclude a contract under the terms and conditions you require.

  1. Portability of personal data.

    You have the right to request that your personal data be transmitted or transferred to another data controller in a structured, widely used and machine-readable format.

    If it is technically feasible, JH shall transfer the data directly.

How does JH protect your data

JH applies organizational, physical, IT and other required measures to ensure the security and protection of your personal data and the monitoring of the processing of personal data.

These security measures include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

  • JH has established the requirements for processing, registering and keeping personal data by implementing internal procedures, the observance of which is constantly supervised;
  • The access of JH employees to personal data and permission to process personal data in the JH database is limited, depending on their duties;
  • JH has established confidentiality obligations for its employees;
  • Access to the office equipment of JH and the computers of each employee is limited;
  • For maximum security when processing, transferring and keeping your personal data, JH may use additional protection means such as encryption, pseudonymization, etc.;

The security measures applied are subject to constant improvement and adaptation to state-of-the-art technologies.

Cookie policy

To learn more about the Cookie Policy, please visit the Cookie Policy page, part of the Terms and Privacy section.

Сlient’s consent

By filing a membership application or filing for any other services provided by JH, and/or using JH’s Platform, the client of the company and / or the user of the Platform agrees with the collection and use of public or non-public information and personal data by JH as provided in this Privacy Policy.

Privacy policy amendments

It is important that we periodically update this Privacy Policy.

Please, periodically visit this page, to stay up to date on these changes.

We will explicitly notify you of significant changes regarding the way we handle your personal information.

If you do not agree with the changes, you have the right to terminate your relationship with JH.

If you continue to use the Platform, you will be deemed to have read and agreed to the changes.

Version 1.0, effective as of 03.11.2021.

Interested in joining our team?
Send us an email with your CV and your motivation letter to [email protected]

Want to partner with us?
We are looking to promote brands that align with our values. Send us a proposal to [email protected]

Do you have a media request?
Press and interview requests can be sent to [email protected]

What is Juno House?
Juno House is a purpose-driven members’ club designed to inspire, empower and enable women to live their best lives.

How can I join Juno House?
We would be happy to hear from you. You should refer to our membership tab to submit an early application that will be reviewed by our membership committee.

What types of membership are available?
Juno House is a members club and therefore operates with a monthly fee that includes access to the House and select services. For more information please fill out an application in the membership tab and someone from our team will be in touch with the details.

Can I try Juno House before applying for membership?
You can book a tour with our membership team to see the space, meet the community and get a sneak peak at services.

Are men allowed in Juno House?
Men are absolutely allowed at Juno House. Members can bring guests of any gender, and we welcome men as team members, champions and of course at House events.

What are the child / family services available at Juno House?
Little Juno is the name of our family friendly hideout where we offer kids enrichment and after school activities like homework help and language. We also offer on-demand babysitting for members to book ahead of time via the App. This service makes it possible for members to get work done, join a wellness class or take some time for self-care.

Do I need a reservation to access Juno House?
Covid changed a lot of things, including the way we interact with physical spaces. Due to capacity we ask that members book ahead of time so we can ensure a safe space for all.

Can I bring guests?

Members are allowed to bring guests based on capacity. To bring a guest, members should book a table in the Juno Café or reserve a meeting room to work. Guests are not allowed to stay at the premises without a member. For more information please inquire at the front desk or via the membership team.

Can the space be used for a private event?
Juno House has many different spaces available for private hire. From the conference rooms to the Clubhouse, there are many options for social happenings and business events.

If you wish to book one of our spaces please contact [email protected]

Can I terminate my membership?
Juno House membership is an annual commitment. If you have selected monthly, or annual payment and choose to resign your membership, you will still be responsible for your full membership fee for the remainder of the year as outlined in the terms & conditions signed by members.

Exceptional closure & Juno House Maintenance.
Juno House may at times close all or part of the club to members and their guests for community agenda or other happenings, operational things or necessary maintenance or repair work.

We will work to ensure proper communication of any change to schedule is communicated with time, and that the space is reinstated as soon as possible

Member-led events.

Member-led events are an important part of what makes Juno House special. Members have three ways to get involved with the community: the first is to use the community board inside the Juno House App to promote meetups and workshops, and the second is by applying to be part of the Juno House Agenda. It should be noted that Juno House has a robust agenda that revolves around a global marketing calendar, so member-led experiences are hand picked for relevance and not guaranteed. Lastly, it should be noted that members can always rent one of our spaces to host an event and open both to members and non-members with special rates.  This is the best option for members who would like to do business at Juno House, as any commercial transaction is considered private and must be rented separately. 

Frequency of member-led events.
Lastly, it should be noted that member-led events that are selected to participate in the Juno House Agenda are limited to one per year to guarantee space for more members.